There are many beautiful names out there, but each has a different and special meaning, a meaning that, in the rush to choose, can get buried. Do you know the meaning of Caleb, or the story behind the name Jabez or Jezebel?
Here you can find biblical names and their meanings, their origins, the verses where they are found, and how they are written in Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament).

Names in alphabetical order
A complete list of all the biblical names from A to Z

Most Popular Girls Names
Are you looking for the perfect name for your baby girl? Here is a list of the best baby names for girls:

Most Popular Boys Names
Are you looking for the perfect name for your baby boy? Here is a list of the best baby names for boys:
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Our Biblical names experts

Roswell D Hitchcock
Hitchcock’s Bible Names. For more information about Roswell D Hitchcock , visit our “About” page and read more about him and his work.

Joseph Henry Thayer
Thayer's Greek-English
Thayer’s Greek–English Lexicon.
For more information about Joseph Henry Thayer , visit our “About” page and read more about him and his work.

Wilhelm Gesenius
Gesenius' Hebrew...
Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament.For more information about Wilhelm Gesenius , visit our “About” page and read more about him and his work.